30 January 2019


20,107! Whew.

I was determined to finally hit the milestone of 20,000 words in my novel and I fought for every one of those words this week, over weather-cancelled school days and with sick and puking kids.

I find it extremely hard to write the novel without silence, which is problematic. But other writerly tasks do not require silence, and I accomplished quite a bit this week beside reaching my goal of 20,000 words.

I submitted my children's book manuscript to three more publishers. It was still out for consideration with two publishers, bringing that total up to five, for now.

I also submitted a few pieces to different places for syndication consideration. InspireMore syndicated another piece of mine yesterday (I am hoping they feature it on their social media pages in the coming week). My last piece for InspireMore broke 3K views this week.

I reorganized and updated my query spreadsheet, too. The more queries I send, both for my children's book manuscript and for personal essays, the more I rely on having an accurate spreadsheet to keep track of it all.

I also made a couple of new memes for social media. I'm still not sure if Instagram is doing any good in reaching a larger audience for my work, but I am going to give it some time.

I jotted down a few lines for some new essay ideas and I finished a first draft of a short story I am planning to submit for consideration in an anthology.

And I also helped my kids submit some of their own writings for consideration in an anthology. I have my fingers crossed for them, they were so excited to think they could have something published in a book!