
American {Working Title}
A picture book in verse exploring immigrant family history for which I am currently seeking illustration and publication.

What Happened to Marceline's Mother {Working Title}
I am working on the first draft of this family history memoir to tell the story of my grandmother who was raised in foster care and of the search to discover her lost family.

{Yet Unnamed Utopian Novel}
I am drafting my first speculative fiction / science fiction novel in an effort to bring to life a utopian world I dreampt up, probably as a coping mechanism to distract myself from current events.

Fruits From the Family Tree {Working Title}
I am developing the concept for a collection of biographical short stories based on the lives of my ancestors.

{Poetry, Personal Essays, Blog Posts, and Articles}
I usually have at least a couple pieces I am writing, pitching/querying for paid publication, or self-publishing.

Visible Bi+
I am the founder, contributions managing editor, and social media admin of Visible Bi+, a Medium publication striving to increase authentic visibility and dispel the many misconceptions which fuel biphobia and bi-erasure.

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Follow my progress on these projects with my #WIPWednesday post series.