31 July 2019


My mind has continued to be aflutter with travel thoughts – reminiscing about past adventures and daydreaming about future destinations. I used that energy to write a post for our just-for-fun family travel blog,  which I then submitted for syndication and it was picked up by HADFOF on Medium.

Also this week, my piece about how our back-to-school prep is about more than buying school supplies was syndicated on Scary Mommy. It's that time, for us. School starts back up in less than 2 weeks. I picked up those books on our last trip to the library, conversations are ongoing and, of course, we're trying on new shoes and stockpiling supplies, too.

Things are going to be a bit busier these next few weeks as we try to squeeze some more fun in the last days of summer and also get ourselves ready for a new school year. I am already looking forward to having my quiet writing time back in the routine.