03 July 2019


Back in February 2018, I sent my first ever manuscript to a publisher for consideration. It was for a children's book I never intended to write – a poem that, as I read it, I very clearly envisioned as a beautifully illustrated picture book. So, I felt the need to give it a chance.

I forged my way through the process of editing, beta readers, revising, formatting, researching publishers, and writing query letters. Over the following year, I pitched the manuscript to 14 publishing companies. Some sent kindly worded rejections, others silently passed on the project with the elapsing of their stated response time.

This week, two more silent rejections were received after 6 months waiting periods, leaving no outstanding queries for the manuscript.

I mentioned, back in April, that I was considering submitting the poem to children's magazines for consideration, instead. As much as I'd love to see it as a children's book, the truth is, I'd really just love to see it illustrated and published in any format.

The poem was timely when I wrote it in February 2018 and remains timely still today. I want to grant it an audience and I am not giving up on finding it a home.

So, this week, I sent off a query to an incredible children's magazine I'd love to work with and began compiling a list of other magazines to query in the near future.

This week, I received a rejection for a set of poems I queried a couple months ago, as well.

I also wrote and published a fun little piece about Harry Potter: Wizards Unite on Medium this week, and syndicated it on InspireMore.

Reality Moms quoted me in a collaboration post.

I made a couple new images for Instagram.

And Filter Free Parents shared my "Through the Lens of Motherhood" micro on their Instagram page.