11 December 2019


Well, as of tomorrow, tumbling: poetic thoughts from an anxious mind is no longer a "New Release" – at least according to Amazon's algorithms. Which means it looses the little bit of visibility boost that came with that tag. But, the book is continuing to do well and slowly gain traction.

It received another favorable review on Goodreads and was added to someone's "Want To Read" list.

An acquaintance told me she requested the book at her local library – and they ordered it! Then, someone else checked it out before she could!

And the book is now also available online at Barnes & Noble and Walmart.

Having not written any new essays for a while, I decided to syndicate a piece from last year on Medium.

I'll likely not have anything new, or even send out any more syndication queries, until after the holidays.

So, it was an extra pleasant surprise when I was contacted by the editorial assistant of For Every Mom about syndicating my "You Don't Have To Do It All" holiday piece! So, I've gladly added another contributor badge to my collection.