13 November 2019


It has been an incredible week!

First, we launched e-book pre-orders.

And I woke the next day to this!

Now, I do realize this is not a huge accomplishment. Amazon has so many categories and refreshes the list hourly; tumbling enjoyed only a brief stint at #1 New Release in Women's Poetry. But, it was still exciting!

I also received the 1st paperback proof this week, made some minor formatting edits, and received my final proof.

All proofs have now been approved to be submitted for publishing, where they will undergo one final inspection.

I continued working on making sure the book is visible on a variety of platforms.

And even managed to surprise myself be reaching out to offer a few promotional copies! Who am I?!?

I also submitted my piece about anxiety for syndication on The Mighty, which was accepted and published yesterday. I did that in hopes that readers who relate to that essay will take a look at my bio and notice my new book.

But, while I was at it, I remembered that I had a couple of holiday pieces from last year I was planning on trying to syndicate this year and I was able to submit one of them for consideration to two outlets.

The next couple weeks should be quite a ride!