19 December 2018


My holiday piece was picked up for one more syndication and I am now a contributor for The Mighty! This is the site I mentioned querying a couple weeks ago. I am thrilled to have been accepted there. I still have my initial submission pending review with them, as well.

I completed a new 1,000-word essay for an InspireMore writing prompt contest and submitted it on a deadline. It was accepted and published, and should be shared soon.

I also prepped a short piece for a SNAPSHOTS prompt but am holding it to submit next week.

A new start-up online magazine contacted me with interest in syndicating one of my pieces. It may run in the next week or two.

And I did manage to write a few hundred words on the novel, bringing the word count to 17,507.

This has been another fantastic week in an unexpectedly fabulous month for my writing career!